Bouncing Back by Bill Bartmann: A must read book.

I very seldom recommend books, as each book has a different message for each person. A book I may find uplifting, you may find boring.

However, Bouncing Back by Bill Bartmann is a must read book. It is an inspirational true story of a man and his family, rising from broke, to billionaire, just to lose it due to others greed for money and fame. They pick themselves up out of what would have broken most people, and start again.

What makes this story so gut-wrenching for me, is that I have been in some of the places he has. Losing years of saving due to others. Having debt collectors hound and threaten your family, because they can. It is also inspirational for different reasons, but for me, that he did not lose his dignity and humiliation when he was a billionaire. When one of his worker’s car broke down, and she walked 15 miles to work. He bought her a new car as appreciation for her dedication. The amazing part is, that he became rich by trying to help people. Instead of hounding people in debt for money, he helped them to get on their feet again and pay off their debt.

Bouncing Back by Bill Bartmann is a truly inspirational story, from working in a pig slaughterhouse, to billionaire, to broke and back up again.

Get it on Amazon. Bouncing Back

Moving on. A new Chapter

This is to let all my friends know, that my time on the island is coming to an end. 10 Jan 2014 will be my last day here. It has been an awesome 7 years, but now a new chapter of my life awaits me.

As I reflect back on my time here, I look back at all the wonderful friends I made along the way. The adventures we shared, and yes the tears. There has been good times, and there has been bad times. I had ups and I had downs. But in a whole, the good stand in front of the bad, like a mountain stands in front of a grain of sand.

Along the way, I learned to be patient with myself, so that I can be patient with you, when you struggle to clear your mask. I learned to have compassion to my shortcomings, so that I can have compassion for you when you struggle to complete a skill or grasp the subject needed to learn. I learned to have confidence in myself, so that you may have confidence in me when you put your life in my hands in the deep scary waters. I learned to smile and laugh, so that I can share in your excitement when you finish your dream of diving. I also learned to accept it when things do not go as planned, so that I may help you, when things do not go as you planned. I learned to follow my dream, as you followed your dream of diving.

This is a big thank you to all the people that helped me grow, so that I can realize my dream.

Travel the world as a Writer.

anton peru1Me at Machu Picchu, Peru. Another dream come true.